Streaming media and home entertainment…

I’ve recently helped a few friends get setup with "media centers" as their home entertainment systems. They’ve all been centered around using a small form-factor computer to ‘power’ things, and central to that is Microsoft’s Windows 7 and Windows Media Center. I was lucky enough to be a software tester at Microsoft around 2001 testing the first version of Window Media Center Edition (MCE) and it was exciting back then. It’s now been 10 years – and it still hasn’t caught on. But, I’m confident that’s about to …

Historic ‘micro-blogging’! Secret inscription in Lincoln’s watch…

Wow!! How exciting, that a watchmaker made a ‘micro-blog’ in 1861 on the INSIDE of President Lincoln’s pocket watch! Of course I’m joking about the ‘micro-blog’, but it really did make me think about how people are posting on Facebook and Twitter so much. Unlike most of those pointless ‘posts’, THIS was something worth "Twittering"! Here’s the text of the Reuters article: WASHINGTON (Reuters) Mar 11, 2009 – A gold watch owned by Abraham Lincoln bears a message marking the start of the U.S. Civil War, but the …

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