Quora: “What are the most important things to know when visiting Disneyland?”

Relax. Have fun. I know it’s outrageously expensive to go to Disneyland, but I’ve personally seen it many times – people want to ‘get their money’s worth’ – but it ends up stressing people out. Just take your time. Don’t worry about long lines or crowds. Once you walk under the railroad bridge after you get through the Main Entrance, just absorb. Notice the detail in everything. You can plan out what attractions you want to see, then go see them. And if you don’t get to see/do …

Quora: “What was your most difficult moment as a Disney cast member?”

Before I moved to (and learned a lot from) Disneyland Guest Relations, my most difficult moment came from my own lack of experience dealing with angry/bad guests. I started my Disneyland career as a ride operator on Autopia, around the age of 29 (so I wasn’t a ‘kid.’) One of the positions there is “grouper,” where you assign positions for guests, based on how many cars they need for their group. The position is somewhat fast-paced, as the cars are loading and unloading constantly, and not all guests …

Quora: “Would anyone even know about DeLorean cars if it wasn’t for the movie Back to the Future?”

As a DeLorean owner (www.DMC10515.com) and someone who does a DeLorean audio show (www.DeLoreanTalk.com) I feel pretty confident in saying – “no.” In my short few years of DeLorean ownership (plus the fact that I’ve got a big mouth and love talking to a lot of people,) I would say that a large majority of DeLorean owners bought their cars BECAUSE of seeing it / learning about it from Back to the Future. And as someone who drives #10515 a fair amount, I can tell you – 95% …

Are there any free exhibits outside Disneyland or Disney World that are worth checking out?

Walt Disney had a barn in the backyard of his Holmby Hills (Los Angeles) home, which was the workshop for his 1/8th scale backyard railroad called the “Carolwood Pacific Railroad.” In the mid-1990s, that house was sold, and the barn (and the house) was to be demolished for new construction. Instead, Michael Broggie (son of Roger Broggie, Walt’s right-hand-man in Disney Imagineering at the time,) organized the effort to save and preserve the Barn as a piece of Walt Disney history. The Barn, often called “Walt’s Barn” was disassembled and …

Quora: “Does any one at Disney still think in terms of ‘What would Walt Disney do?'”

The “anyone” part of the question is a bit ambiguous, as there are those who actually work in the Parks, and those who ‘build’ the Parks. Also, the word “do” can mean something different depending on who you ask. Having worked at Disneyland in Attractions (Autopia, and lots of guest control,) as well as in Guest Relations, and finally as a locomotive engineer, I had the opportunity to help and talk to guests face-to-face on a daily basis, in different capacities. I also learned a lot about other …

Quora: “How is Disney pulling their content from Netflix going to impact streaming services?”

Netflix will be fine. DISNEY is the one you shouldn’t bet on. The streaming market is so splintered now, that people need to subscribe to half-a-dozen different services. HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney, Paramount… and each one costing at least $10/mnth. Not to mention people who ALSO pay for cable TV. While Disney has a lot of content – there’s A LOT of the same stuff. Once you watch ALL of the Marvel movies on the Disney streaming service, what’s left? Kid’s shows for Disney… and …

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