Home windmills…

image Several years ago when the big talk about ‘clean energy’ was hydrogen fuel cells, and more specifically trying to put those cells in cars, I was surprised that the focus was on cars rather than the engine itself. I recall the biggest problem being that "they" were having a hard time making the hydrogen engine small enough to fit in a car – not – that they couldn’t build the engine. So, what if each home had an air-conditioning size (or even car sized) hydrogen fuel-cell engine installed near the house? Could enough energy be generated to outweigh the cost of the engine itself, the monthly hydrogen delivery, batteries, and the power-switch conversion of the home, compared to the retail cost of public utility electricity delivery?

rough the years since I lived in Brentwood, CA, I’ve remembered that on Vasco Rd. there are possibly hundreds of windmills. I haven’t researched what kind of power is generated from those turbines, but I can’t help but think that homes could also have their own wind turbines for power generation. In the ‘old days’ these were primarily used for pumping water out of wells. But why not have one for pumping electricity into batteries?

Of course I don’t mean that each home should have one of those huge windmills, but what about something the size of the old farm-type windmills. If one of those could generate enough power to charge batteries that could power a home for a day at a time, wouldn’t it be worth investing in? I’d love to figure out what the numbers are and see about getting someone to be a test-home…

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