Quora: “If Walt Disney were alive today how different do you think the theme parks would be?”

I’m always sad and bothered by these “What would Walt think/do…” questions.

*MAYBE* people who worked CLOSELY with Walt back in the day could *POSSIBLY* give an acceptable answer on his behalf, but those people are, for the most part, gone.

Walt was a family man. He loved people. He loved entertaining people. He was also a business man – although not as good a business man as his brother Roy – so it’s nearly impossible to tell how the Disney Parks would be today.

I know this is a bad, non-answer, but the best any of us can do, is to point to what Walt actually did “then” – when people, and business, and the world was VERY different.

Walt passed away in 1966. But ticket prices didn’t raise “dramatically” until 1985. (~$1 in 1955, ~$6 in 1975, ~$17 in 1985)

So we’re really only left with questions:

Would Walt have favored raising ticket prices in order to build new attractions?
Would Walt have taken lower profits in order to allow more families to afford visit Disneyland?
Would Walt have continued to use profits from his other lines of business (movies, etc.) to fund Park operations and expansion, to keep ticket prices low?
**ANYONE** who says they ‘know’ what Walt would think/do today is a FRAUD! There’s no way to tell.


Original Quora question – If Walt Disney were alive today how different do you think the theme parks would be?

Walt Disney - Dare | DaveTavres.com

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