A new search box trend

Recently I’ve seen several websites that are ‘hiding’ the site search functionality. I don’t understand why… and I don’t like it. It’s hard enough to find what you’re looking for in a lot of modern navigation bars. Now with just a search ‘icon’, it makes it even harder to find. Here’s two of the many examples I’ve seen lately: Rally Software DealNews.com I think it’s much easier to quickly scan for that search text field – everyone is use to it, it’s easier to find than a single …

Google Nexus 4… speaker design

I just got the Google Nexus 4 and I’m liking it so far, but one of the first things I noticed was the odd/bad design for the speaker. When you play music or use the speaker phone, it can be assumed that many people will lay the phone flat on a desk/table/flat surface. When you do that, with the speaker hole being flat as well, the sound is basically blocked by the flat surface, which gives a very muffled sound. As soon as you lift up on the …

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