Google Maps Tip – Start directions

Just a quick, favorite tip about Google Maps on mobile… After searching for a place, and getting its location on the map, it’s pretty normal/common to hit the blue “Directions” button – THEN tap the “Start” button. Instead, just tap-HOLD on the “Directions” button, and Google Maps will automatically start your driving navigation. Sure, it only saves a moment, but sometimes after tapping the “Directions” button, Maps can take a “long” time to come up with different routes for you to choose from… although for 99% of trips, …

Uber’s “Safe Rides” fee is ridiculous

I’m a huge fan of Uber. But, I also know they take a huge percentage of each fare (I’ve heard from Uber drivers as much as 30%.) However, I also understand websites and technology and the costs to run such businesses, so when I see $1.65 fee on top of an $11 fare – of which Uber gets 20-30%, it makes me click on the link next to the ‘Safe Rides Fee’ line item. Here’s their reason for charging that fee: I WAS CHARGED A SAFE RIDES FEE …

Call Uber to get a battery jump

I recently left my headlights on and killed my car battery. It’s not the first time I’ve done that. That’s why I carry jumper cables in my trunk. Cables are great – when someone will give you a jump. This most recent time was the last straw though… it was 98° in Anaheim and I was on the top-deck of a parking garage at the Anaheim Convention Center. Apparently the Anaheim Convention Center isn’t as concerned with helping guests as Disneyland is… when I asked if they could …

Freeway overpass advertising

Many years ago, I was driving on the freeway and suddenly pictured a simple way for States to make money – without raising taxes! Selling ad space on overpasses. In today’s economic climate, governments need to stop taxing and start cutting – but if they MUST make more money, I don’t see any good reason why they can’t use some of the space that we all pay for as taxpayers, to help reduce the tax burden. There’s a huge number of “blank” freeway overpasses that are perfect canvases …

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