Since mobile phones became a body-part (meaning, just about every adult in the modern world has one,) expectations and etiquette of person-to-person communications have changed drastically. Now that “everyone” has a phone in the palm of their hand for HOURS every day, some people have turned into Pavlov’s dogs – they feel that they MUST answer a ringing phone, regardless of their current situation. STOP IT! The overwhelming majority of phone calls are not life-or-death. They aren’t ‘the radio station is calling to give you a million dollars.’ …

Meetup Etiquette

I’ve been going to Meetup groups for many years. Primarily business, entrepreneur, and software related groups. I always meet nice people, and sometimes I even come away having learned something. And even more rarely, I leave with a good connection with someone. I recently went to an Agile Meetup and had all of those experiences – I met nice people, learned something, and made a good connection with a guy that I hope I can work with in the near future. But today, I learned something else about …

LinkedIn Invites…

We all know that Facebook is the ‘social’ networking site, and LinkedIn is the ‘business’ networking site. Facebook is pretty easy – when you get an invite from someone you don’t know, you ignore the invite. They’re probably scammers/spammers trying to get access to your friends list. But for business networking, it’s more difficult. I’ve met a lot of people over the years in business, and I don’t always remember them. Or, they’ve been referred to me by someone I do know. However, there are also a lot …

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