Disney+ : Lessons in Agile

Having worked on hundreds of websites since the early 1990s, I’m confident in saying that I understand what works and what doesn’t. And, having worked in waterfall and agile software environments, and as a project manager / program manager, I know what the business teams wants vs. what the development teams can deliver (usually based on the timeline that the business owners want.) With the recent launch of Disney’s streaming video service, Disney+, it’s easy to see that Disney is trying to follow some agile methodologies. One of …

A new search box trend

Recently I’ve seen several websites that are ‘hiding’ the site search functionality. I don’t understand why… and I don’t like it. It’s hard enough to find what you’re looking for in a lot of modern navigation bars. Now with just a search ‘icon’, it makes it even harder to find. Here’s two of the many examples I’ve seen lately: Rally Software DealNews.com I think it’s much easier to quickly scan for that search text field – everyone is use to it, it’s easier to find than a single …

A Password Safe for All

Everything now has a password. I may have started when the first answering machines came out that let you call home and get your messages remotely. You would call your number and when the message came on you could hit a key which would prompt you for your passcode then listen to the messages people left for you. Since then passwords have gone crazy. Every website needs not just a password, but also a username. Some people have tricks to remember what their login info is, but most …

Netflix feature idea…

If you use Netflix, you know how great it is… but it’s missing a very important element – social networking. If Netflix would just add the ability to build a “friends” list, then allow users to “suggest” videos to those friends, they could generate a lot more interaction of their service. Friends list Just like other social networking sites, allow users to search for friends by email address or username. Once the request is sent, the user on the other side can accept or ignore the request. The …

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