Google’s ‘Sidewiki’ feature…

Back in the mid-1990’s when I was working on the MSN Engineering team at Microsoft, one of the projects we started to work on was a tool that would allow people to post comments about web pages "on" the webpage. That is, it was a feature in Internet Explorer very similar to the "Comment" feature in Microsoft Word. As with far too many Microsoft products, they started it, then shelved it. I was really excited about it back then because of the great potential for true customer service …

Is it bad to have or share your information on the internet?

Whenever I get a phone call from an unknown number, I immediately plug it into Google and about 80% of the time, get an answer as to who called. I also tend to search on names, addresses or companies to find out more about them before I do business with them. That brings me to my own information. I’ve published all kinds of personal information… favorite movies, job information, posted my resume, address phone numbers… all kinds of things. Lately, I’ve been building the list of every place …

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