Beware of Grundy Insurance

Grundy Insurance | Tavres.comBEWARE of Grundy Insurance! Thankfully, I got a letter from California DMV telling me that I have NO car insurance on the DeLorean! That caused me to look up the policy, and sure enough, Grundy had cancelled my policy in JANUARY! Of course they say they sent me a letter in the mail… but I did not get it. However, I *DID* get a letter from DMV. Considering I’ve had a policy with them for three years, I would have thought an automated phone call, or automated email would have been sent out, but again, nothing. I searched email for “Grundy” and “PHLY” and “Philadelphia” (Grundy uses Philadelphia Insurance Companies as their underwriter,) but have no emails from them about the policy cancellation, or that my credit card was expiring.

It turns out, the credit card on file had expired, which is why they cancelled the policy. I understand that – no pay, no play – but… what awful customer service that they ONLY sent a snail-mail letter – which I never got. Most companies who care about their customers send several emails telling you that the credit card on file is about to expire – then they send one reminding you that your card is expired, and that your service will be cancelled if it’s not updated. So why doesn’t Grundy do the same thing that most businesses do when it comes to keeping customers? Do they not understand how credit cards work? Or are they so behind the times that their systems don’t use modern technology? Or maybe they just don’t care about their customers?

Thankfully, in the four months since they dropped me, there has been no issues… but imagine if I had gotten in an accident? Grundy would have just dismissed me and said “Too bad.”

Yes, I’m a customer service nut, but there are businesses that require a higher level of service, and classic car insurance is one of those businesses.

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