I’ve been using this website for looong time… before they were bought out by – before they had “every movie” listed… IMDb – Internet Movie Database is a fantastic tool for anyone who likes movies. There are some awesome features: Create categories to organize movies into – create your own “To Buy”, “To Rent”, “To See” lists Vote (and see your history of votes) on movies (this will also keep track of movies you’ve seen! Comment on movies Great trivia and goofs sections For example, check out …

Music piracy and government computers…

I’m not a big music person.  Well… I mean, I don’t buy a lot of CDs.  I’ve got tons of music from CDs I bought years ago, plus plenty of other music, but I think I can understand what people who like music are facing with regard to music piracy issues and CDs. This article about Sony’s most recent attempt to slow CD copying was interesting.  I had no idea that Sony – or any companies – were embedding software on music CDs to keep them from being …

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