How to disable the UAC Prompt for a specific application: (Windows 7)

  1. Open the Task scheduler.
  2. Right click on the "Task Scheduler Library" and create a new folder called "myTasks".
  3. Right click on the "myTasks" folder and select "Create Task…" (not "Create Basic Task…")
  4. Enter a name for the task (I always name them "autoElevatePROGRAMNAME". (i.e. "autoElevateProcessExplorer")
  5. Check the "Run with highest privileges" checkbox at the BOTTOM of the window.
  6. Click the "Actions" tab at the top.
  7. Click the "New…" button, and browse and select the ".exe" that you want to run with elevated permissions.
  8. Click "OK" to create the Task.
  9. Right click on your desktop and choose "New / Shortcut".
  10. In the ‘location’ field, paste the following text:
  11. C:WindowsSystem32schtasks.exe /RUN /TN "myTasksautoElevatePROGRAMNAME"
    (be sure to replace autoElevatePROGRAMNAME with the task name you created.)

  12. Click the "Next" button, then give the shortcut a name and click OK.
  13. Now double-click the shortcut, and your program should start WITHOUT the UAC prompt coming up. (You can put that shortcut wherever you want now.)


  • I did NOT want to DISABLE User Account Control in Windows 7, I just didn’t want my older applications that I use frequently to always display this message.
  • I have only tried this with older programs on Windows 7 that pop up the User Account Control dialog box:
    "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?"


  • So far, I have not been able to get this to work for file type associations – meaning, after I have specified a default program to open a specific file type, the UAC warning still pops up. If I change the default program to be the shortcut for that application, it won’t open the file I’ve double-clicked on.
  • You will need to do this for each program you want to run with elevated permissions.
  • You can backup your tasks by right clicking each one, and selecting "Export" and saving the .xml file.

Google: +"always allow this program to run" +UAC; +"User Account Control"; UAC; +"UAC in Windows 7"; +"program permissions" +UAC

Bing: +"always allow this program to run" +UAC; +"User Account Control"; UAC; +"UAC in Windows 7"; +"program permissions" +UAC

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