NEVER buy digital licenses from Microsoft

NEVER buy digital licenses from Microsoft | DaveTavres.comI’ve just spent three days talking to Microsoft “Technical Support”… often called “HELPLESS desk,” trying to activate Windows 10 Pro. Why? Because late last year, we upgraded from Windows 10 Home by using the “Microsoft Store” application in Windows. HUGE mistake! Why? Because when you pay for licenses through the Microsoft Store, they apply the digital license to your Microsoft account – but you do NOT get an actual product key… which means, if you have any problem, you have to spend HOURS on the phone with helpless desk, going around and around, talking to someone who isn’t as smart as you are, and having them walk through the same ‘trouble shooting’ steps that the previous four helpless desk people have already gone through.

“We can’t activate Windows on this device because you don’t have a valid digital license or product key. If you think you do have a valid license or key, select Troubleshoot below. Error code: 0xC004C003”
On the third day, after talking to four people, I was finally able to get the agent to pay attention, follow instructions, and generate a new product key. Which I was then able to use to activate Windows 10 Pro after wiping the hard drive (for about the tenth time.) It’s unfortunate that Microsoft doesn’t care about its customers. This many calls, this much frustration, and this much trouble for something that should be a 15 minute phone call, proves how dispassionate Microsoft is about their users.

So again, NEVER buy “digital licenses” from Microsoft, that are attached to your “Microsoft account” – they do NOT give you a product key, and if you have a problem, you’ll be spending a lot of time on the phone.

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