Finally – a REAL “Microsoft will donate $1 if you…” opportunity…

Wow… after all the years of getting those emails from friends (even ones who KNOW me) that says "Microsoft will donate $1 for each person that (fill in the blank) [forward this email] / [go to this website] / [add your name to this list]" – it’s actually TRUE. Click here to watch a 30-second ad, and Microsoft WILL donate $1 to "The Smith Family" – an Australian organization that helps disadvantaged kids get a great education. Microsoft will donate up to $100,000 to the organization, just by …

Microsoft to pay search-engine users…

Seems like a good idea… when you’ve got BILLIONS of dollars to try out an idea and not have a loss affect you, give it a shot. Here’s the article – Microsoft to pay search-engine users – ( – It looks more like a rebate, but hey… free money is free money… And so what if Microsoft has to track what stuff I buy… Target, Best Buy and every other retailer already does that. So… sign up here –

AfriCam… WOW!

It’s not often that I’m really amazed by technology. And especially not a WEBCAM! But in this case… WOW. This is a LIVE webcam from Nkorho, Africa. They are using an EverFocus camera that will automatically follow the movements of animals in the shot, or, if there are no animals, it will scan the area until it finds something. Also, it zooms in (A LOT!) to get AMAZING video of real African animals. If the image gets boring, the camera will pan back and scan the area for … – check it out…

Remember Tom Green? I do… funny guy.  He’s a comedian who might be best known for marrying Drew Barrymore. He’s odd. He’s funny. He’s done a lot of random stuff. I still remember hearing about him when I lived in Seattle. The first time I saw his show, he was following a local pizza delivery driver with a plain cheese pizza and a tackle box filled with toppings. When the pizza driver went to the front door of the house he was delivering to, Tom tried to sell …

Hahhaa.. I’m such a geek – I LOVE this picture…

A good friend of mine emailed this picture to me… The original subject of the email (which he forwarded) read "Cake text printer doesn’t speak Italian, pens errors instead" because it was forwarded with another picture. (Look at the larger version of the photo of the Raisin Ingredients.) As is typical with most people using computers, I did not read the message before I began studying what was "funny" about the picture (and I actually was waiting for a loud scream or some scary zombie to jump up …

John Wayne Airport is apparently stingy with electricity…

I recently took a flight out of a John Wayne (Santa Ana) Airport, and was surprised to find that there was not a single electrical outlet anywhere in the public seating areas of gates 10 to 14.  There are outlets at the gate desks, but that’s out of reach for the public seating. I had more than 1.5 hours of waiting for my flight, and didn’t want to run my laptop battery down before I got on the plane (I like to be able to put on a …

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