Linkedin – to connect or not connect

I’ve been on Linkedin for many years (My KeePass password safe tells me I created a password entry on October 14, 2006.) I’ve been on Facebook almost as long. In my mind, they serve two very different purposes: Facebook is the ever-present “social networking” platform, while Linkedin is the BUSINESS networking platform.

Facebook - DaveTavres.comLinkedin -

I distinguish them that way for a specific reason… I don’t want “friends” on my Linkedin account… and I don’t necessarily want business connections on my Facebook account. It’s same reason I use the post privacy settings on Facebook – certain messages for certain audiences. I want Linkedin to be the place where I can network with other professionals that can help me in my career, job search or entrepreneurial endeavors. Not that the guy who sat next to me in 10th grade algebra couldn’t give me a great business referral, but that’s not the connection I have with him…

To connect or not connect – that is the question. When I get those Linkedin connection requests from an old friend whom I’ve never been hired by, never worked with at a company and never even consulted with professionally, I choose to ignore those requests. Yes, I am connected to some acquaintances, but that’s because they’ve been recommended by someone I know and trust to be a good networking partner – but even those are rare. Over the years I have accepted a few friends into my Linkedin world, but that’s because I have done a personal project with them or have done some kind of structured work with them – but they are the exceptions to the rule.

This doesn’t mean my friends can’t see my profile – and it doesn’t mean people can’t send an introduction message when they ask to connect. If there’s a good reason to connect, I will. Just being friends isn’t enough though – that’s what Facebook is for…

AcceptGo ahead… click it… you know you want to see what it does…

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