Reverse Trick-or-Treat

Today, November 1st – the day AFTER Halloween, a thought occurred to me on how to be a better neighbor – using Halloween as a tool… “Reverse Trick-or-Treat.” Since many people are use to having random people knock on their door on Halloween afternoon/evening/night, why not go knocking on doors to GIVE candy or treats to your neighbors, along with a note about yourself, and your contact information. Many people either don’t make the time to get to know their neighbors, or maybe the neighbors just aren’t social… …

Amazon feature idea… Gift contributions

Scenario: A good friend has mentioned several times that they REALLY like that set of high-end speakers, but they just don’t want to spend $300+, plus they don’t really need them – but they’d still like them. At the same time, you don’t want to spend $300 on a gift for your good friend. So, what do you do? Maybe you know some of their family members or their other friends and maybe you can get them to chip in on buying this great gift. Maybe. Even then, …

Netflix feature idea…

If you use Netflix, you know how great it is… but it’s missing a very important element – social networking. If Netflix would just add the ability to build a “friends” list, then allow users to “suggest” videos to those friends, they could generate a lot more interaction of their service. Friends list Just like other social networking sites, allow users to search for friends by email address or username. Once the request is sent, the user on the other side can accept or ignore the request. The …

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