Google Meet Blocked Microphone

Trying to use Google Meet and you can’t get your microphone to work… but can’t find the answer on how to fix it? Here ya go! The error message is: Something is wrong with your camera or microphone. Or: Meet is unable to access your camera or microphone, but you will still be able to join the call. Or: Microphone is blocked. Speaker is blocked. Go to Click the lock icon to the left of the URL, and click on “Site settings.” Scroll down to the “Microphone” …

Google Chromecast “Support”

This is the transcript from a Google Support chat. It’s sad when even the simplest support request is too hard for customer server / technical support to understand. Christine 10:34 AM – Thanks for contacting us! My name is Christine . I’m happy to answer any questions you have about Google Home. Christine 10:35 AM – Hi Dave! Christine 10:35 AM – How can I help you today? Dave Tavres 10:35 AM – Hi there… I’ve been using two Chromecast devices on two TVs for several years… In …

NEVER buy digital licenses from Microsoft

I’ve just spent three days talking to Microsoft “Technical Support”… often called “HELPLESS desk,” trying to activate Windows 10 Pro. Why? Because late last year, we upgraded from Windows 10 Home by using the “Microsoft Store” application in Windows. HUGE mistake! Why? Because when you pay for licenses through the Microsoft Store, they apply the digital license to your Microsoft account – but you do NOT get an actual product key… which means, if you have any problem, you have to spend HOURS on the phone with helpless …

Citibank “customer service”

Another not-so-good experience with another company. This time, Citibank. I’ve had an American Airlines credit card with Citi for YYYEEEAAARRSS… but in the past many years, I’ve only kept the card because of one of the features – virtual account numbers (“VANs”). Citi allowed me to sign into my credit card account, generate a virtual credit card number – with an amount and length of time before it expired. It was designed for buying things online… especially at merchants that might not be as trusted as others. I …

Quora: “Would anyone even know about DeLorean cars if it wasn’t for the movie Back to the Future?”

As a DeLorean owner ( and someone who does a DeLorean audio show ( I feel pretty confident in saying – “no.” In my short few years of DeLorean ownership (plus the fact that I’ve got a big mouth and love talking to a lot of people,) I would say that a large majority of DeLorean owners bought their cars BECAUSE of seeing it / learning about it from Back to the Future. And as someone who drives #10515 a fair amount, I can tell you – 95% …

Wahoo’s Las Vegas… a disappointment

So sad :( Wahoo’s is in my top 15 favorites food joints. And coming from Southern California, I’ve been to MANY of their locations. This was my first time at Wahoo’s in Las Vegas. When I walked in, the place was *EMPTY*. On a Sunday night. I ordered a #1 – one fish taco, black beans, white rice (same thing I ALWAYS order.) I got my digital receipt at 8:00p on the dot… It took 14 minutes to get ONE fish taco, black bean, white rice. (8:14p is …

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